Custom Game Engine(s) and UI Framework
Since 2018, I had started experimenting with building my own engines for practice at learning lower-level graphics APIs. I've made several starts off-and-on as I tested out different languages and APIs (OpenGL, Vulkan, D3D, C, C++, Rust, etc...) taking each one to the point of at least rendering average glTF models.
Snapshot from older iteration (2021) (this one uses ImGUI not my own UI). It was able to attach behavior components to objects and save/load scenes.
My latest exercise in this vein has been to use less dependencies than normal: without GLFW or ImGUI. It's an engine over OpenGL 4.6 and the Win32 API. Part of this is to create my own UI framework that's also fully DPI aware. Also this is written almost completely in pure C. I wanted to really understand how all this works without any magic, and see how far I can build it out in a language like C while preventing it from becoming unmanageable. Also to better learn memory management. The UI library is near complete, but I don't spend much time on this project so progress is slow.